
Are you feelin kinda fucked up?

Has your world suddenly gone to shit? You’ve tried flushing it all down, but it’s all a mess and clogged up now. Backed up emotions, desires, wants, ... maybe even some needs you weren't aware of.

Everything you thought was so stable and steady in your life, now just suddenly isn't? Well, good. It sounds like your higher power is trying extra hard to get your attention on something. Is it working? Are you paying attention now?

Awesome. Then, perhaps I can help.

I'm very familiar with where you are right now. I'd say "stable and steady" has been more of a rare occurence in my life than most. I also know a couple of things about you...

I know about everything you've sacrificed to get to where you are now, especially since you are quick to list them off to everyone, in the same way you list your accomplishments. But more importantly, I also know what you're not aware of, that you've also sacrificed. And more than that, how to get it back.

I know that your favorite hacks, tricks, and shortcuts aren't really working like they used to anymore, in any part of your life. Sure, you can do some extreme things like a bunch of hardcore drugs, maybe even move to Mars with Elon, but that doesn't really seem like the real solution to you either. Even though on paper, it kinda does. I know why the quick fixes aren't "fixing" now. And more importantly, how to not need them anymore.

There are many paths you can take beyond this point, but my favorite 1 that I recommend is the path of least resistance. Not necessarily your resistance, but it can be. I mean the 1 where life moves in flow with you, and you with life. This can happen when you start putting your unique personal gifts to use, in service of yourself, and for others. How exactly this will look, I don't know. But I do know it will be a life very different from what you have now, or even previously had. You're welcome to keep looking and trying, for another way to "go back" to your old life, before all this chaos, but it won't happen. Your higher power doesn't seem to allow it anymore.

Does this sound like something that's time for you to work on now? Great. Contact me and let's confirm we are a good fit for each other. My only offering is this: 1 BTC (Bitcoin) for 1 year of once a week coaching, with sole intention to find as many gifts as possible in that time period. Yes, I only have 1 high-ticket offer, so I can focus on only a handful of clients who are exactly the ones I'm called to serve. Otherwise, you're welcome to check out my content on the below pages to get a sense of who I am.

Thanks for your time. Enjoy the ride.


eMail and Apple iMessage (also FaceTime):

hi at my.domain

Or, DM me on Instagram: _roelds_

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Thank You
